Tuesday, 15 March 2016

More paint, visitors and light modifications

Greetings from Stockholms Östra Station!

I have finally admitted that it is time to stop fettling the paintwork in A-end saloon, clean up, let the flooring guys put down the lino and move on to finishing B-end saloon.

Up on the roof.  With the guttering complete, Micke is adding the final coat of roof paint.  He seems to be getting plenty of advice ...  Actually he is also getting plenty of help from Bengt and Lasse!

These are the original style of headlight bulb with a distinctive long neck.  They are no longer available and we currently only have 1 spare.  This particular one is a little past it ...

Soren has therefore been modifying a spare headlamp  to take shorter necked bulbs of which we have a few, and which are still available.  The knob and butterfly nut at the top are for adjusting the focus of the lamp.

Job done with short necked bulb in place.

We had a local journalist plus photographer visiting this evening, so Micke took them for a quick run up and down our siding in No.37.  This left an unusually clear view of No.35 in the railcar shed.

 And here is No.37 creeping back in after her run up the siding.

best regards from Stockholm, George!