Wednesday, 17 January 2018

A dark and stormy night

Quite a wild night for my first venture down to Östra Station this year.  Not much snow yet but blowin g a wee bit.  While the standard gauge seemed to be sufferig a bit, the narrow gauge Roslagsbana appeared to be running without problems. Still, a good night to work inside.  Here you can see the station throat of Stockholms Östra (east) Station, with our two sheds either side.

And, as usual for a Tuesday, the warm welcoming glow from our workshop.  You can see No33 lurking inside.

The main focus right now is fitting and wiring in the radiators.  Almost all are now in place in both saloons.

We have one seat sitting loose in place to show us where we are going with this. You can also see the earth wire, now correctly run in from the wall side of the radiator ...

The last pieces of trim are also being manufactured from new wood.  You can see these, as yet unpainted, above.  These fill the angle between the wall and the covers for te cable runs below.

Elsewhere Mike was manufacturing something out of insulated material and Lasse was cleaning up a couple of additional wooden components.  A-end cab was the first to be renovated.  There are several aspects, especially regarding the paint, that contrast with our later work.  I have started to bring everything up to a uniform standard.

Wishing everyone an excellent new year from Stockhom, George!