Friday, 19 June 2015

Getting Started Again

This blog has its origins on Pete Waterman's old Railnuts site, with posts covering our work, as well as other (predominantly) preserved railway activity in (predominantly) Sweden between August 2009 and October 2011 when the site finally failed in an avalanche of spam.  After a number of requests, I have finally got my act together to restart this blog here.


SRJ No.16 (later SJ No.33), built 1918 and currently under restoration


The primary focus of this blog is the ongoing restoration of Stockholm-Roslagens Järnvägar (SRJ) No. 16, above, as well as the maintainance and running of a vintage train on the narrow gauge Roslagsbana in Stockholm, Sweden.  



One of our operational railcars (SRJ No. 18, later SJ No.35) at Stockholms Östra Station.

Our operational set includes 2 1930s railcars and a 1914 built carriage as well as a 4-wheel brake/luggage van.  We regularly run specials on the Roslagsbana during summer weekends (although we will have to shut down early this year due to major engineering works isolating our sheds) and in the weekends before Christmas (Luciatåg).  



No. 35 and our 1914 built carriage at our base at the north end of Stockholms Östra Station.  The carriage is well due a re-varnish but this will have to await the building of extra covered accommodation, for which planning is in an advanced stage.


Our other runner, No. 37 during one of our pre-christmas specials.

We also have a second carriage, No.84 of 1954 which is theoreticaly a runner, but is currently sheeted over with a leaky roof, and an electric locomotive, No. 54 of 1946 which is decidedly not a runner!

I will try and keep regular updates of our progress, and begin to fill in further details of our vehicles in the side-bars.


all the best from Stockholm, George!


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