Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Progress with No.33

A productive Tuesday evening on No.33 this week with 6 of us working

The two Lasse's were reattaching the steps

Beginning to look good!  It is great to see more and more renovated pieces being re-attached each week.

I was filling the ceiling of B-end saloon, the one that is being restored to 1940s condition at the time of the railcars refit and upgrade to 1500v.  The last piece of trim for A-end was also being bent to shape this evening and the latest rub-down of A-end saloon ceiling was pushed a little further (until the blood completely ran out of my arms!)

Henrick and LasseC cleaning up one of the luggage racks with the pressure cleaner ready for painting

Elsewhere Bengt was cleaning up and varnishing some more teak trip while Daniel was working on numerous jobs including a good clean-up around the railcar.

Finally, a view of the rather unusual bogies that this railcar has, with the main frame being below the axles.  I think this design was used to reduce the height of the bogie.

best regards from Stockholm, George!

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