Thursday, 21 December 2017

Catching up - again, the running fleet and other news

Our running fleet continues to operate satisfactorly.  Both railcars, carriage 880 and the f-class van were out on public service several weekends during the summer.  We then teamed up once more with the historic steamer Blidosund to provide a vintage round-trip with 35, below, providing the first leg, after which passengers transferred to a vintage bus before returning to Stockholm on Blidosund while eating dinner.  Once more I beleive these were well patronised trips so hopefully this arrangement will continue.

35 seems to have survived the year with minimum problems, not bad for a railcar over 80 years old!

Micke and Soren testing 35 during routine maintainance.

Despite being our youngest railcar, only 79 years old, 37 has the oldest electrics.  Both 33 and 35 were rebuilt in the 40s when the line voltage was upped from 7500 to 1500volts.  37 was new-built when this process was started and was built duel voltage, a capacity it still has but which can cause some problems.

One of the jobs carried out on 37 was to replace the emergancy lights.  I don't think these have ever worked under our stewardship.  They sit behind the panels over the sliding doors (you can see the slider at the bottom of the recess).  Originally they were connected to the rest of the carriage by the brass contacts on the left.  You can see the new wires coming in along the roof panel on the right and appearing around the right-hand piller.  We have left enough slack in the wires so the contacts are not necessary, and new LED emergancy lights are now fitted.

Our parent organisation has lost its home in the 1950s bus depot at the east end of Södermalm.  Unfortnatly their noew home is not yet started so the collection has gone into store out at Bromma airport.  They closed at the end of October and had to vacate the site by the end of November when the delevopers moved in.  We had a number of large electrical spares stored in a service tunnel under the museum so 4 of us spent an evening helping the museum staff out by moving them up to where they could be collected and moved to the new storage.  as you can see, clearance was a little limited!

We also rescued the original 1950s clock from the depot! Lasse fettled it up and we discovered the bolt holes on the clock lined up perfectly with a pair of bolts set in the wall of our workshop!  We think they originally carried the water supply from when this was a steam shed.  Some careful measurement to make sure we could still get No.33 out, then up it went!

Next up, some current progress on No.33.

best regards from Stockholm, George!

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